
Hi, I am Caitlin, more commonly known here as Mama Sunshine.

I am a young mom to a one year old girl named Ariana and have been married to the man of my dreams for 2 1/2 years.

The blog is titled "Sunshine to Starshine: a young mom's blog about the universe of mommyhood" I named it this because my grandmother always called me Sunshine lady, and when my daughter was born, she started calling her Starshine. (My sister is Moonshine)

 The passion behind my blog is to do reviews and giveaways that will spark interest in healthy and easy lifestyles. I strongly believe that parenting and life can catch you so fast sometimes that you forget to breathe and enjoy it. My followers are mainly parents (mostly moms) but I also have young people who are at the tender age that makes them vulnerable to the world and has a lot of potential to make a lot of bad choices. I am not an all natural, organic, cloth diapering, breastfeeding mommy but would like to share a little of my world with others in hopes of reaching people. I am a pacifier believing, solid food feeding, Stay at home, part time working mom. I am just starting out, but my audience is growing each day. 

As I start out I am accepting products to review, but also reviewing things that I bought or pay for myself (like soon, I will be reviewing the dance studio where I go!). I find that it engages my readers more than sitting around and waiting for the next giveaway. 

My Family from WiddlyTinks.com